Robotic GI Surgery in Chennai
Minimally invasive procedures have revolutionized operative surgery. Computer-aided surgery and robotic surgical systems desire to enhance further on currently available minimally invasive surgery and open new horizons. Only several centers are currently using surgical robots. In gastrointestinal surgery, robotic surgery is applied to a wide range of procedures. Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is best Robotic GI Surgeon in Chennai.
What is Robotic GI Surgery?
The most widely used clinical robotic surgical system includes a camera arm and mechanical arms with surgical instruments attached to them. The surgeon holds the arms while seated at a computer console near the operating table. The console gives the surgeon a high-definition, magnified, 3-D view of the surgical site. The surgeon leads other team members who assist during the operation.
Is Robotic Surgery Right For You?
Robotic surgery isn’t a choice for everyone. Talk with Dr. Pinak Dasgupta about the benefits and risks of robotic surgery and how it compares with other techniques, such as other types of minimally invasive surgery and established open surgery.
Dr. Pinak regularly performs Robotic operations at the GEM Hospital. Some of the procedures that are particularly suited for the Robotic approach are:
- Hiatus hernia repair or anti-reflux surgery
- Obesity or weight loss Surgery
- Cancers of the food pipe or stomach
- Hernia of the abdominal wall or groin
Conditions Which Can Be Treated In GI Surgery:
- Appendicitis. When the appendix becomes infected and inflamed, it may be removed (appendectomy).
- Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers. Surgery is done to remove cancerous tumors in the digestive system and parts of the digestive system that have cancer.
- Diverticular disease. A diverticulum is a small pouch or pocket in the colon (large intestine). Researchers are not sure why these develop.
- Gallbladder disease. When there is a problem with the gallbladder — usually gallstones — the gallbladder can be removed. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is also called a cholecystectomy.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernias. GERD or acid reflux is when the acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus (food pipe) and causes heartburn. Sometimes it happens because of a hiatal hernia.
- Hernia. A hernia is when a part of the body (like the intestine) comes through a hole or weak spot in the wall of muscle or connective tissue that’s supposed to protect it (like the abdomen).
- Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). With inflammatory bowel disease, the immune system attacks the intestines and causes pain and inflammation.
- Rectal prolapse. Surgery is used to treat rectal prolapse, a condition in which part of the intestine comes through the anus.
- Weight loss. Different types of bariatric surgery (for example, gastric bypass) may be done to treat obesity. This surgery is usually done by a specialist in bariatric surgery.
Advantages of Robotics GI Surgery:
Surgeons who use the robotic system find that for many procedures it enhances precision, flexibility, and control during the operation and allows them to better see the site, compared with traditional techniques. Using robotic surgery, Dr. Pinak Dasgupta can perform delicate and complex procedures that may have been difficult or impossible with other methods.
Often, robotic surgery makes minimally invasive surgery possible. The benefits of minimally invasive surgery include:
- Fewer complications, such as surgical site infection
- Less pain and blood loss
- Quicker recovery
- Smaller, less noticeable scars
Talk To Dr. Pinak Dasgupta:
Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is the senior General Laparoscopic Surgeon Doctor in Chennai with the largest series of operations. He is an expert in GI Cancer Surgery. Being Multilingual, patients coming from North and Eastern Indian States feel very comfortable expressing their symptoms and also find peace of mind in sharing their post-surgical issues in their language. Patients traveling to Chennai from India and abroad like Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal follow him for his expertise and care”.