Robotic Bariatric Surgery: A New Weapon in the Fight Against Obesity

Robotic Bariatric Surgery: A New Weapon in the Fight Against Obesity | Dr. Pinak Dasgupta

Obesity has become a global epidemic, leading to numerous health complications and a reduced quality of life. Traditional weight loss methods often fail to provide long-term results for many individuals. However, there is a new and advanced weapon in the fight against obesity: robotic bariatric surgery. Dr. Pinak Dasgupta, a highly skilled and experienced surgeon at GEM Hospital and Research Centre, is at the forefront of this groundbreaking surgical technique.

Advancements in Robotic Bariatric Surgery:

Robotic bariatric surgery combines the precision of robotics with the expertise of skilled surgeons like Dr. Pinak Dasgupta to provide effective weight loss solutions. The use of robotic systems allows for enhanced dexterity, magnified visualization, and increased precision during surgical procedures. Dr. Dasgupta’s extensive experience in robotic surgery ensures that patients receive the best possible outcomes.

Benefits of Robotic Bariatric Surgery:

  • Enhanced Precision: The robotic system assists surgeons in performing intricate procedures with enhanced precision, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient safety.
  • Reduced Invasiveness: Robotic bariatric surgery is minimally invasive, resulting in smaller incisions, less pain, reduced scarring, and quicker recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.
  • Improved Visualization: The robotic system provides high-definition, three-dimensional visualization of the surgical site, enabling surgeons like Dr. Dasgupta to navigate complex anatomical structures with greater accuracy.
  • Decreased Blood Loss: Robotic bariatric surgery utilizes advanced technology, including precise cauterization and sealing of blood vessels, minimizing blood loss during the procedure.

Dr. Pinak Dasgupta: Leading the Way:

Dr. Pinak Dasgupta, as a senior consultant and lead surgeon in the Department of Robotic, Colorectal Surgery, Hernia & Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, is an expert in robotic bariatric surgery. His extensive experience and expertise in this field make him a trusted choice for patients seeking weight loss solutions.

Dr. Dasgupta’s Approach:

  1. Personalized Care: Dr. Dasgupta understands that every patient is unique. He takes the time to listen to their concerns, assess their medical history, and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.
  2. Multilingual Advantage: Being multilingual, Dr. Dasgupta is fluent in several languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, and Assamese. This enables him to establish a strong rapport with patients from diverse backgrounds, ensuring effective communication and comprehensive care.
  3. Cutting-edge Techniques: Dr. Dasgupta is committed to staying updated with the latest advancements in robotic bariatric surgery. His continuous pursuit of knowledge ensures that patients receive the most innovative and effective treatment options available.


Robotic bariatric surgery is revolutionizing the field of weight loss surgery, offering patients a new and effective solution to combat obesity. With Dr. Pinak Dasgupta’s expertise and dedication to providing the best medical services, patients can rest assured that they are in safe hands. His proficiency in robotic surgery, combined with personalized care, makes him a trusted choice for individuals seeking long-term weight loss solutions.
